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16 teams registered in 2 categories
Anderback, Kristina / Nissen, Wallis5 matches1Falköpings VK / The BeachPaidV40+ DJune 29, 2020 5:47 PM
Hellström, Malin / Axland, Malin5 matches2Slow Down Beachvolley Roslagen / The BeachPaidV40+ DJune 27, 2020 12:52 PM
Stenberg, Yvonne / Uggowitzer, Nina4 matches3Göteborg BC / The BeachPaidV40+ DJune 24, 2020 12:19 AM
Boreström, Cecilia / Hermansson, Anna-Karin4 matches4Göteborg BCPaidV40+ DMay 23, 2020 11:30 AM
Widén, Cecilia / Nilsson, Linda3 matches7KFUM Kristianstad VolleybollklubbPaidV40+ DJuly 13, 2020 11:57 AM
Jonsson, Martin / Gustafsson, Magnus5 matches1Karlskrona VolleybollPaidV40+ HJune 17, 2020 7:25 PM
Tholse, Peter / Franzon, Jens3 matches3Nyköpings FK / Beachbrothers BCPaidV40+ HMarch 26, 2020 2:38 PM
Hansson, Joakim / Arnerdal, Klas4 matches4Göteborg BC / The BeachPaidV40+ HJune 21, 2020 8:37 PM
Sundquist, Krister / Nilsson, Johan11Bromma KFUK-KFUM / The BeachNot paidV40+ HJune 17, 2020 5:34 PM
Lundh, Henrik / Andersson, Fredrik15KFUM Kristianstad VolleybollklubbNot paidV40+ HJuly 7, 2020 12:04 AM
Bondesson, Jonas / Dejestam, Rickard16Slow Down Beachvolley Roslagen / Västerås VBKNot paidV40+ HJuly 1, 2020 9:20 AM