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31 teams registered in 2 categories
Bäckström, Lena / Östberg, Kerstin4 matches2Karlskrona Volleyboll / IK Studenterna i UmeåPaidV35+ DMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Källströmer, Anna / Westerlund, Johanna6 matches3IK Studenterna i Umeå / Stöcke IFPaidV35+ DMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Olson, Anne / Olsson, Kerstin3 matches4Göteborg BC / Bromma KFUK-KFUMPaidV35+ DMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Sebetovska, Jacqueline / Kalinowska, Ewa6 matches5Svedala VBK / Hylte Halmstad VBKPaidV35+ DMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Axland, Malin / Barmyr, Nathalie4 matches6The Beach / Södertelge VBKPaidV35+ DMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Rondahl, Jenny / Håkansson, Elin3 matches13Nyköpings BV / Nyköpings FKPaidV35+ DMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Fromin, Ulrika / Malmberg, Monika3 matches14Lidingö SK / Hylte Halmstad VBKPaidV35+ DMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Tholse, Peter / Franzon, Jens4 matches5Nyköpings FK / Beachbrothers BCPaidV35+ HMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Andersson, Petter / Hellquist, Andreas3 matches7Bromma KFUK-KFUMPaidV35+ HMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Andersson, Fredrik / Rapp, Christopher6 matches8Morgondagens BC / Kalmar VBKPaidV35+ HMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Löwenborg, Jonas / Johansson, Daniel6 matches9Ystads VK / Malmö BCPaidV35+ HMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Lundberg, Marcus / Kenne, Carl3 matches10Morgondagens BC / Göteborg BCPaidV35+ HMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM
Jedrycha, Wojciech / Patkowski, Mateusz3 matches12Hylte Halmstad VBKPaidV35+ HMarch 6, 2020 11:15 AM