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55 teams registered in 2 categories
Jonsson, Malte / Barck-Holst, Magnus5 matchesSlow Down Beachvolley Roslagen / 08 Beachvolley ClubPaidU15 PJuly 6, 2020 5:59 PM
Madestam, Sanna / Loosme, MikaelaHylte Halmstad VBK / Lidingö SKNot paidU15 FJuly 6, 2020 6:45 PM
Serneke Wolmebrant, Cornelia / Olsson, Mirabelle7 matchesGöteborg BC / 08 Beachvolley ClubPaidU15 FMay 24, 2020 9:23 PM
Sturve, Viktor / Carlsson, Tilde3 matchesFöreningen Eneryda VolleyPaidU15 PMay 25, 2020 7:39 PM