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55 teams registered in 2 categories
Almblad Engvall, Teddie / Junholt, Joel5 matchesSlow Down Beachvolley Roslagen / Göteborg BCPaidU15 PJune 30, 2020 12:02 PM
Andersson, Elmer / Eriksson, William3 matchesHabo Wolley / Floby VBKPaidU15 PJune 28, 2020 11:04 AM
Bjernersjö, Nova / Nordström, Ella3 matchesBeachbrothers BC / Slow Down Beachvolley RoslagenPaidU15 FMay 2, 2020 1:33 PM
Blomstedt, Pelle / Källströmer, Edvin5 matchesHästhagen IF / KFUM UmeåPaidU15 PJuly 12, 2020 5:28 PM
Bondesson, Axel / Pihlblad, Lukas4 matchesSlow Down Beachvolley RoslagenPaidU15 PJune 30, 2020 8:05 AM
Flämig, Lennart / Jacobsson Orrbeck, Valdemar3 matchesGöteborg BCPaidU15 PJune 20, 2020 4:06 PM
Fridström, Bruno / Jonsson, Alex6 matchesThe Beach / Södertelge VBKPaidU15 PJune 21, 2020 9:55 PM