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601 teams registered in 0 categories
AIK F 015 matchesAIKF01
AIK IBF P995 matchesAIK P99P99L
AIK P986 matchesAIKP98
AIK p994 matchesAIK P99P99S
Almunge ik P00-014 matchesAlmunge ikP00L
Alunda IBF6 matchesalundaDam
Alunda IBF4 matchesP01L
Alunda IBF6 matchesP04 yngre
Alunda IBF P99/005 matchesAlunda IBFP99L
Ankarsvik BK P026 matchesAnkarsvik BKP01L
Ankarsvik BK P027 matchesAnkarsvik BKP02
Arlanda IBK F004 matchesArlanda IBK F0003F00
Arlanda IBK F014 matchesArlanda IBK F0003F01
Arlanda IBK P-025 matchesArlanda IBKP01L
Arlanda IBK P984 matchesArlanda IBKP98
Arlanda IBK P99/005 matchesArlanda IBKP99L
Bele Barkarby BlÄ7 matchesBele BarkarbyF99
Bele Barkarby IF5 matchesBele BarkarbyHJB