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84 teams registered in 4 categories
Sil 044 matchesGutter
Sleepwalkers4 matchesHerre
Sleivdal IL4 matchesHerre
Surfin Birds5 matchesHerre
Team 10touch4 matchesGutter
The goates4 matchesGutter
The legends3 matchesGutter
Trønderbataljonen6 matchesJenter
TrønderTec's4 matchesGutter
Tung Touch BK5 matchesGutter
Tørste Tausi5 matchesJenter
VALTRA FC4 matchesHerre
Verrabotn4 matchesHerre
Vukutausin3 matchesJenter
YEET IL4 matchesHerre
Young Boys FC3 matchesGutter
Yuxi FC4 matchesJenter