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84 teams registered in 4 categories
Banehogg3 matchesHerre
Big Boys4 matchesGutter
Bøgda FK3 matchesDame
Chiks with Kicks5 matchesJenter
Cocky FC3 matchesHerre
CRINGE4 matchesJenter
Dalbygda4 matchesHerre
Drillos Xl6 matchesGutter
Dæm grønnan4 matchesHerre
Exo Squad4 matchesHerre
FC Stølpetouch5 matchesHerre
Fifa Street4 matchesGutter
Frösön IF3 matchesJenter
Galacticos7 matchesHerre
Gallos Blancos6 matchesHerre
GG Gangsters4 matchesGutter
Girlsa3 matchesJenter
Gralaksan3 matchesHerre
Gråtassgang3 matchesGutter
Gutta mine4 matchesHerre
Guttæne FC3 matchesGutter
Hytta FC6 matchesHerre
Høvleriet4 matchesHerre
Høydedyran3 matchesHerre
Indoor ballers7 matchesGutter