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253 teams registered in 17 categories
Dale 16 matchesA - G10
Dale 1 G137 matchesG - G13
Dale 26 matchesA - G10
Dale IL5 matchesF - G12
Dale IL7 matchesG - G13
Dale J126 matchesK - J12
Fagernes5 matchesK - J12
Fagernes7 matchesO - J13
Fagernes 15 matchesB - G11
Fagernes 25 matchesB - G11
Fagernes 35 matchesB - G11
Fagernes G9 15 matchesQ 2013
Fagernes G9 25 matchesQ 2013
Fagernes IL G13-14 matchesG - G13
Fagernes IL G13-24 matchesD - G13
Fagernes IL G14 - 7`er4 matchesE - G14
Fagernes IL G14 - 9`er7 matchesH - G14
Fagernes il J144 matchesP - J14
FBK Voss Kvit6 matchesD - G13
FBK Voss Raud4 matchesG - G13
Florø 15 matchesB - G11
Florø 15 matchesF - G12
Florø 25 matchesB - G11
Florø 25 matchesF - G12
Florø 35 matchesB - G11
Florø Fotball7 matchesG - G13
Frøya Fotball7 matchesG - G13
Førde - Flatene 15 matchesQ 2013
Førde - Flatene 25 matchesQ 2013
Førde Gutane5 matchesF - G12