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Fjernvarmecupen 2017
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367 teams registered in 0 categories
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National 1
3 matches
Nationalkameratene SK
G 10
National 1
Nationalkameratene SK
G 9
National 2
3 matches
Nationalkameratene SK
G 10
National 2
Nationalkameratene SK
G 9
National 3
3 matches
Nationalkameratene SK
G 10
National 3
Nationalkameratene SK
G 9
Orkanger IF
3 matches
J 19
Orkla FK 1
5 matches
Orkla FK
G 14
Orkla FK 2
5 matches
Orkla FK
G 14
Otilienborg IL 1
3 matches
Othilienborg IL
G 11
Otilienborg IL 2
3 matches
Othilienborg IL
G 11
4 matches
Ranheim Toppfotball
G 19
Ranheim 1
6 matches
Ranheim IL
G 15
Ranheim 1
4 matches
Ranheim IL
G 16
Ranheim 1
Ranheim IL
G 9
Ranheim 1
6 matches
Ranheim IL
J 15
Ranheim 1
3 matches
Ranheim IL
J 17
Ranheim 1
3 matches
Ranheim IL
J 19
Ranheim 2
3 matches
Ranheim IL
G 15
Ranheim 2
Ranheim IL
G 9
Ranheim 2
3 matches
Ranheim IL
J 15
Ranheim 2
3 matches
Ranheim IL
J 17
Ranheim 2
6 matches
Ranheim IL
J 19
Ranheim 3
Ranheim IL
G 9
Ranheim 4
Ranheim IL
G 9
3 matches
Sjetne IL
J 15
Sjetne 1
5 matches
Sjetne IL
G 13
Sjetne 1
4 matches
Sjetne IL
G 14
Sjetne 1
5 matches
Sjetne IL
G 16
Sjetne 1
5 matches
Sjetne IL
J 13
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